Email Marketing & Admission Funnel Optimization for Schools

No one knows the importance of communicating with prospective families as we do. We’ve been directors of admission and marketing. We know what it takes to move students from inquiry to newly enrolled.

Our process is specifically engineered to convert inquiries and increase enrollment. Email marketing and our admission funnel for schools provide a valuable touchpoint that allows you to reach out to prospective families in an attention-grabbing format without being intrusive.

Don’t let a lack of valuable communication come between your school and its ultimate enrollment.

email marketing in admission funnel - Truth Tree digital school marketing
I was touring a new family yesterday, and they said they had lived in AZ for years and never heard of us, but when they started researching new schools for their child, we were at the top of every Google search. We are thankful for your expertise and help in recruiting great families!

Email Marketing FAQs

What is a "responsible" autoresponder?

Often when you fill out a form, you get an email confirming receipt, a greeting or call-to-action-type email. Sometimes these hit your inbox immediately. Other times, it’s set to 4 hours ahead (which could be 3 AM depending on when you hit ‘submit’).

Who creates the landing page(s)?

There are two options:

  1. Truth Tree will develop a custom landing page(s) and inquiry form(s) for you on our proprietary domain.
  2. Truth Tree will consult on best practices and landing page design hosted on your school’s website. 
Who creates the email marketing for schools content?

There are two options:

  1. You create the content from start to finish, and we provide feedback and guidance based on our experience.
  2. We agree on topics/general messaging per email. Truth Tree creates the contents, and with your approval, we load them into the drip campaign. 

Identify your school’s next digital marketing move.